Dear colleagues,

The African Studies Association of Africa (ASAA) has taken another step forward as we successfully held our elections for officers to steer the affairs of the association through 2021. We are both humbled and honoured that our members have placed their confidence and support in us by electing/re-electing us as Executive Council members.

On behalf of the Council I congratulate all re-elected executive council members, and especially congratulate Professor Mame-Penda BA, a professor of Political science and the Scientific Director of the PhD program on Political Science at the University of Gaston Berger, for her election as Secretary.

Our appreciation also goes to Dr Obadele Kambon, our outgoing secretary who stepped in as interim secretary of the association in 2015 at a difficult time, and went on to serve a term as secretary of the association. As a Yoruba proverb says, A kì í dúpé ara ẹni (One does not give thanks to oneself). Therefore, on behalf of the executive council, I thank you for your service to ASAA and to your continued support of the vision of the association.

Our election comes at a time when COVID-19 is ravaging the world, while also reigniting attention to Black lives. Simultaneously the targeted deaths of Black people at the hands of police officers and even civilians, while not new, has led to a new wave of (calls for) global civil actions. Given all this, the Executive Council will work diligently to take the vision of the association forward and do all we can to push the global Africa agenda, upon which the association was built.

The dream of the association cannot be fulfilled without the support of members. We therefore call on all members to continue in their unflinching support of the vision of this association by renewing your membership, while also pointing others with interest in our Africanist agenda to step up and join ASAA Membership.

We thank you once again.


 Akosua Adomako Ampofo

Professor Akosua Adomako Ampofo

(President, ASAA)